APPENDICES on the application of the methodology in practice

All appendices are part of “My Personal Body – Respect and Self-Esteem. Practical Guide for Trainers”,
Authors: Ekaterina Veleva and the PULSE Foundation Team, 2018


Appendix 1: Indicators of the Types of Violence

Appendix 2: Groups and a Group Process

Appendix 3: Defensive Mechanisms

Appendix 4: Age Development Characteristics

Appendix 5: Declaration for Informed Parental Consent

Appendix 6: Booklet “My Personal Body”

Appendix 7: Video “My Personal Body”

Appendix 8: Booklet “Every Child Has the Right to Be Touched with Love”

Appendix 9: Program a step-by-step process 3–6 Years
The application will be provided after Training for trainers.

Appendix 10: Program a step-by-step process 7–18 Years
The application will be provided after Training for trainers.

Appendix 11: Video “Corporal Punishment”

Appendix 12: Youth Club “Let’s Be Friends!”

Appendix 13: Positive Parenting
The application will be provided after Training for trainers.

Appendix 14: Types of Parental Care

Appendix 15: Analysis of the Results of the Screening

Appendix 16: National Representative Survey of Attitudes to Corporal Punishment in Bulgaria

Appendix 17: Microanalysis of the Preliminary Study on the Views on Corporal Punishment

of Children in Bulgaria
Appendix 18: Ethical Code for Work with Children

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